I told myself, that I wouldn’t return to Newgrounds, until I got better at animating, drawing, and stopped procrastinating. Heck, I even told myself that I wouldn’t post any art on any platform, until I got better at anatomy And well..I’m here. I’m back. And I know now that..well, I don’t know but, I think. I think that people would like to see me improve. Other artists would probably like to see me improving my art. I haven’t posted anything in a bit. But I think I’m gonna change that. My drawing has..stayed the same..a little. But that’s because I haven’t been trying. I haven’t been trying to improve. And..I think that’s gonna change. No, I KNOW it’s gonna change. I’m still young, I have my whole life ahead of me, I have so much time to improve..so that’s what I’m gonna do! I’m gonna improve! And I’m gonna keep posting. Posting my improvement. That you to my followers, (all 9 of you guys, lol) for sticking with me, even when I didn’t post anything for a while. You guys really are..cool! And yes, I haven’t stopped drawing my ladies with pointy boobs.